body SLAPPINGsticks body
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Hot deal of the day!

Attention to all friends or friends' friends or friends' friends' friends who are still looking for a job or who are not looking for a job but rotting and growing fungus at home:

Working hours: 10am to 6pm
Location: International Plaza Tanjong Pagar
Pay: $3000 (much more than what i am earning now! -_-)
Job scope: Simple day to day accounting for a 5 pple shipping company

Please contact me if you are interested. Either by phone or by blog comment on the right.

She slaps at 10:56 AM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The wonderful car ride.

Novelty is a phenomenon applicable to every scenario. Because i just passed driving on saturday, there is this boiling urge to drive to the end of the world and back. Initially i wanted to drive to West Coast Park with my friend. But want is always a baseless thinking waiting for rejection because my dad freaked out on the idea of me driving to such a faraway place. He input factors like greater danger to drive at night and incompetencies of newbies like me. In the end, i managed to persuade him to allow me to drive to science center which is 3 minutes away from my house.

On my way back home, i was in my car alone. As usual, being too adventurous in life, i did not follow the royal instructions and head home directly. I geared towards Boon Lay and sang in my car as if no one could see me dancing away. After just a while, it seemed that i was heading towards seemingly unfamiliar ground. The road merged into a darker space and i felt doom smiling at my stubborn persistence. If only i knew i was actually on a highway, i would be so excited. It took me more than 10 lonely minutes to finally see an exit leading back to jurong east.

By the way, the good news is that i am still alive after the ride :)

She slaps at 10:36 PM

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hey grandpa, how are you?

I thought i could deal with it and let you go.

I just realised i am not that strong afterall.

When night comes and i breathe alone, i can't help but miss you more.

I just got my licence yesterday, but i am not excited to blog about it at all.

Yay. I can drive now.

She slaps at 11:12 PM

Friday, October 23, 2009
My grandpa.

My mum just left for China this morning. Grandpa has cancer. My beloved grandpa has cancer. The grandpa who loved me the most has cancer. The grandpa who used to scold anyone who attempted to scold me has cancer. The grandpa who showered me with sweets and presents even though he is very financially challenged has cancer. The grandpa who wrapped me with complete care and protection has cancer. I said cancer so many times because i need to let it sink into my head that my grandpa really has cancer. And this fucking cancer is not benign at all and he will be gone. Just like that. Anytime.

I am very strongheaded. Too strongheaded to even give my grandpa a hug at the airport when he went home for checkup. The picture of me hugging my grandpa played like waltz in my head but i still did not do it in the end. My family does not function that way. We don't hug one another and tell them how much we love them. We assume they know it already. We don't say obvious words of comfort when someone is upset. We think it is too mushy and unnecessary. Yesterday, i wrote a letter to my grandpa to tell him how much i love him. It was a torture because i realised how long i have been disassociated with chinese characters. Nevermind the fact that it was an utterly shameful attempt, i finished the letter with the simplest way of expression i could posssibly think of. I am not confident at all that my letter is error free since i did not manage to get hold of a dictionary. He would probably laugh it off as usual, but i prefer him remembering me as a smart kid.

Death is not the end. It is only the beginning to eternity. I am not escaping from the fact that my grandpa will die anytime from now on since his cancer has reached its final stage. Chemotherapy or surgery is futile in any form. Miracles are also pitiful corruptions to the helpless mind. To me, grandpa has lived and will live in me till forever to come.

I asked my mum to bring this picture back to my grandpa. I hope he likes it :)

She slaps at 1:46 AM

Sunday, October 18, 2009
He is wigged.

I insisted that my little brother must put on my wig. Being his usual kind-hearted self, he eventually succumbed to my persistent beggings after i acted all cute and nice.

But that is on one condition. ' You cannot put this on your blog! Promise me!'

And i said. ' Yea of cuz. Promise!'

She slaps at 10:25 PM

Friday, October 16, 2009
My evil friend.

I have a very dear evil friend. She buries sweet gratitudes in the deepest well.
I have a very dear evil friend. She burns every sacred affection into ashes of hell.
I have a very dear evil friend. She turns saccharine whisperings into rages of yells.
I have a very dear evil friend. She slaps me away from those goddess marriage bells.
I have a very dear evil friend. She disrupts emotions everyone could tell.

Her name is ego.

And I just chased this old friend out of my house today.

She slaps at 12:06 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sweetness in the morning!

I don't have a sweet tooth. I hate sweets, chocolates, candies and sugar cubes.

1) They are the sole reasons to obesity and diabetes.

2) They come in all forms of cuteness wannabe shapes and colours which disturbs me.

3) They don't enhance my value as a human being so they don't deserve housing in my intestines.

4) I have to give them ample time to mingle with my saliva before they can go down my throat. I can't just swallow them.

The reason why i am munching on mini toons candies now is because sara teo gave them to me :):):)

She slaps at 10:12 AM

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Smile like you really mean it.

When the whole world thinks that you are fine,

You close your eyes and tell yourself that you are really fine.

She slaps at 11:30 PM


Hello Love.

Goodbye Love.

She slaps at 5:50 PM

Monday, October 12, 2009
Beneath the wedding gown.

I attended a wedding yesterday. No doubt it was an extremely posh and expensive one held at Shangri La, i wasn't enticed to the concept of marriage at all.

Wedding should not be planned. It should be a spontaneous activity. Yes, i don't care if you disagree with me. Wedding need not involve the whole world as your eye witnesses. You are not marrying all of them. Wedding is not a symbol of genuine and eternal love. You don't have to get married to proof that the person you are with is the one and only one. Divorces do take place like leaves fall to the ground. Wedding is not the happiest day of your life. If it is the right man, it should be the beginning of you happiest day. Wedding need not be garnished with diamonds or gold. To say yes willingly is more beautiful than Tiffany & Co.

Marriage just gives you legal permission to make love and have kids.

She slaps at 10:40 PM

Sometimes it's ok to steal.

The table beside mine seats a very gorgeous looking mooncake.

I am hungry.

She slaps at 5:27 PM

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday night is more precious than ever.

1. We spent 30 freaking minutes just trying to figure out the exact location of Butter Factory.

2. It is our virgin trip there. All 3 of us. Very hilarious.

3. We asked the bouncer at 945pm what time can we enter. This is not an act of over spontaneity. It is just to confirm that we are at the right place and the right place is indeed open for public.

4. We took the lift up and landed at the carpark. After re-grouping our thoughts, we finally arrived at level 2 safely.

5. We concluded that Butter Factory is a better than Zouk since it is more spacious and army-boys free.

By the way, can the deejay stop saying Put your hands in the air, Put your hands in the air? It can be really laborious because my hands are quite heavy actually.

She slaps at 12:26 PM

Friday, October 9, 2009
It is not funny at all.

I was typing silently. Work has moulded me into a very responsible individual recently. Suddenly, i felt something shaking in an uncontrolled manner. I threw my glare to the left and saw my colleague giggling in awkward silence.

Hel: Eh what you laughing about?
Crazy: Heheheeee.......
Crazy: I just thought of a joke that happened a few years back. Heheheheeheh...
Hel: -_- A FEW YEARS BACK? wtf man.

The irritating fact is this extremely happy colleague triggered my laughter glands too and i started laughing at nothing.

Trust me, i look like a complete retard for that 5 minutes.

She slaps at 3:00 PM

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Accountants lie on the ground just like that.

Tonight, an extremely exciting activity will occur at 3am. I wouldn't mind if i were to drink beer at 3am. I wouldn't mind if i were to club my night away at 3am. I wouldn't mind if i were to lay a mat on the dark pasture and do picnic at 3am. I wouldn't mind engaging in controversial gossips with my girlfriends at 3am. I wouldn't even mind watching a ghost movie and scare myself to death at 3am. Well, this extremely exciting activity is far from these wishful thinkings at all.

Tonight, at 3am, i will be spotted at Sheng Siong Clementi counting stocks. This part is actually absolutely reasonable since i was feeling excited about this cool new task. However, i was informed that i am suppose to be clad in jeans and sports shoes. This interesting combination is a complete nightmare.

Thou will wake up at 230am and change into JEANS AND SPORTS SHOES and crawl to sheng siong. Perhaps its a good idea to just grab a few beers as i count down the lane to keep my spirits constantly high :)

She slaps at 8:25 PM

Rich girl.

My pay finally came in.

Let's have a lobster feast for lunch today!!!

She slaps at 11:07 AM

Sunday, October 4, 2009
The cat who hates me.

Everyone has owned a pet before. My favourite pet is a little green tortoise. He was only 14 days old when he passed on. I found him behind the long living room curtain lying like a defeated soul waiting to be claimed by his forgetful owner. On the other hand, my beloved owns a cat. She has nice smelling fur that wouldn't cause a sting when you stuff it in your face. Delusion is her favourite state since she constantly believes that she is a tiger instead of a cat. My hamster nearly died in her hands once upon a time when i attempted to match make them into a forced marriage. Recently, this fiery cat has been hideously trying to attack me whenever her owner is not looking. She roars at me as if she's a lion and pounces at me as if she's a tiger. Basically, we are not living in harmony at all and we will never be.

My boyfriend's cat is jealous of me.

My boyfriend's cat has split personality.

Watch out YOU CAT.

She slaps at 11:44 PM

Bow to the makeup creator, he is a savior.

Make up does wonders. Now i begin to feel more for this huge enlightenment :)

She slaps at 12:00 AM

The Slapper

HELEN. she's a bitch. but a KIND one.


Jing 2
Xing Yue
Ying Ying
sing ying


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