body SLAPPINGsticks body
Monday, August 30, 2010
I beg to stay in my dreams

In the only world of fantasies.

She slaps at 7:05 AM

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Pause in between.

She slaps at 3:10 PM

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Always be nice.

I was reading about the recent saga of ladyironchef food blogger's arrogant and assuming behavior.

Mistake 1: Who gives you the title of a food blogger? Did you earn an education in gourmet studies. If not, according to my own definitions, i can be a food blogger too. And bonus point, i am prettier than you for sure.

Mistake 2: When someone invites you for a food tasting session, with the goodwill of accomodating another guest, you don't end up bringing 3 friends and expect to taste for free. You are not going to a wedding or a feast. Even wedding invitations, we pay! Wake up your idea, dude.

Mistake 3: Your words as a food blogger has no stand at all. One man's meat is another man's poison. After reading your food reviews, i suspect amateur is your middle name.

Mistake 4: If you are there for a food tasting, how does the wine come into the picture. If all food tasters, or rather food bloggers get free wine, clubbers will find their new green pastures.

Mistake 5: Don't ever throw credit cards at waiters when paying your bill. They are not your slaves, and you are not their lord. Seriously, they don't owe you a living.

Mistake 6: You are not a food connoisseur, not even near that, so cut the arrogance and ego.

Mistake 7: Never blog about your apologies. It does no help at all. Damage done, face it.

Always be nice. Nomatter your status ( and you didn't even have one to begin with).

She slaps at 6:07 PM

Friday, August 20, 2010
Four million cries.

Indian Ocean Tsunami and Haiti Earthquake.

Now, Pakistan Flood.

Endless Nightmares.

She slaps at 11:57 AM

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
My boy.

You are my best accident :)

She slaps at 9:21 PM

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Angry Rosie.

Top 5 nerve-wrecking type of friends:

1) The 'Oh, so our meal is 56.70 bucks, that means 18.90 bucks per person for 3. Oh, and you owe me 1.60 bucks for green tea just now.'

I mean come on, we are not accountants after work. We can just settle for 20 bucks per person since it means 2 easier 10 dollars notes. For the drinks, i can always treat you back and the cycle repeats. Do we really have to count to every single cent? Then please return me my 4.30 cab fee that i paid for you the other time, 7.80 tcc coffee last month, the box of monthly contact lens that i gave you a year ago and everything else that i'm going to compile in my list.

2) The 'Hey, I don't like your dress, i think you have really weird taste.'

Seriously, you can look at yourself in the mirror, your dress looks extremely odd too. Real friends don't put you down to bring themselves up. They give constructive comments on how to improve. In fact, i always thought you have lousy figure, bad greasy hair and grotesque dress sense. I just choose to boost your confidence in life everytime i see you because i care.

3) The 'My boyfriend is my love, my world, my everyday.'

These are the friends who go into a state of complete disappearance when they are immersed in the river of love. They no longer initiate phone calls, even when you do call, they find every excuse to assure their hectic schedule. Usually the conversation ends with, hey so sorry i can't talk now, call you back later! Trust me, later is never.

4) The 'Sorry, I'm still at home! I'll reach in an hours time, wait for me!'

Hello my dear, being late for 15-30 minutes is tolerable, but late for hours is not. You don't decide to postpone the timing of our meetup without informing me. You are not the queen, nor the princess, so don't expect the whole world to wait for you consistenly.

5) The ' I'm so down, i'm so bored, i hate my legs, my job sucks and no guy will ever like me. Right?'


(Disclaimer: This is not directed at anyone, written out of pure mischief)

She slaps at 5:07 PM

Saturday, August 7, 2010
This is why.

I love the best friend so much :)

She slaps at 9:00 PM

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Who are we to judge?

He wakes up at 8 everyday. Clad in his Giorgio Armani suit, it is another day of monitoring stock exchanges and getting a share of the trading market. Lunch is dined over those regular laughters and hypocritical snares. Dinner is wined over lonely attempts to impress and clinch deals to golden pastures. Finally when night falls, he is too tired to appreciate his wife's lovely dishes or sing his boy a sweet lullaby. But, they say a decent white collar job is normal.
Wait, how about a painter who spends months or even years on that one painting. A painting that has no guaranteed owner. Maybe his hair is dishevelled, maybe his shirt is torn, but his passion is burning like wild fire. So, is his life normal?
Wait, how about a man who lost his wife. He spends days counting clouds and lamenting over his loss. He writes letters and poetry, only to the dead who will never receive his words. He walks into the past every morning, only returning to the lonely room at dawn. So, is his life normal?
Wait, how about a girl who is diagnosed with cancer at 10. She only has 2 years to live, nevermind the fact that everyone showers her with extreme love and care, she knows it is out of empathy. She can never wear pretty prom gowns like other girls, she can never date a boy she likes and she can never walk down the aisle saying i do. So, is her life normal?
Nothing is normal. Yet, everything can be normal.
As long as your life is substantial, you are normal.

She slaps at 10:17 AM

Monday, August 2, 2010


She slaps at 4:53 PM


It was just a random chat, just like how you would ask a friend if pink suits you more or yellow. I asked my 11 years old brother about his dream. Such a tender age, such vast chances and opportunities to make reversible mistakes. I was greeted by a pleasant surprise. He tossed out his researches on big names like Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford and Yale. And humbly tucking his ideas back into his little bag since they are such prestigious institutions. He went on to explain that he can see himself enjoying and having great fun in university. I am impressed not by his ambition but by the fact that he even dares to dream very big.

When I was 11 years old, I only thought of when my next chicken wing will come and whether I can get down to the playground and play blind mice tonight.

She slaps at 4:03 PM


With this new face, he says I was prettier last time, but more beautiful now.

She slaps at 3:47 PM

The Slapper

HELEN. she's a bitch. but a KIND one.


Jing 2
Xing Yue
Ying Ying
sing ying


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